If you or
someone you know is interested in joining the
Junior Board, please contact
us by email at

Junior Board
We are always looking for young community members who are in search of ways to give back to their community! Members of the Junior Board will take part in various community service projects year round- all of which are family friendly. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the Junior Board, please contact us at helpingmakesuhappy@gmail.com
Helping not only makes the community happy, but U as well!
Junior Board Projects
Our birthday club is in full swing. Coordinated between school social workers, Nana's House (Never Alone, Never Afraid) and our Junior Board the birthday club provides gifts, paper goods, cake mix, frosting and candles to local children whose families may otherwise not be able to provide for a birthday celebration.
The Junior Board also supply Easter baskets through school referrals. We feel we are so fortunate to receive generous donations of toys and gifts for teens throughout the year that this is a wonderful way to pay it forward.
Each Summer the Junior Board organized a school supply drive which enabled us to fill and supply 70 backpacks to students recommended to us by schools and social workers.